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London, UK<br>Rabbinical Conference
London, UK
Rabbinical Conference
An overflow crowd of rabbonim gathered in Stamford Hill for an important meeting to discuss halachic issues, with participants coming from as far away as Golders Green to hear about Bonei Olam’s efforts on behalf of London’s Jewish community.

Rav Efraim Padwa, shlita, opened the evening by noting the importance of consulting with Bonei Olam before rendering any halachic decisions regarding fertility issues. Rabbi Naftoli Tzvi Dembitzer of Bonei Olam kept the crowd spellbound for over 90 minutes, discussing a list of approximately ten issues requiring careful halachic guidance. Rabbi Dembitzer also related that doctors, both in London and throughout Europe, have been exceptionally accommodating of the religious needs of their Jewish patients.

Bonei Olam’s London chairman, Rabb Yossef Weissman, invited Rav Yossel Padwa to further address halachic issues which evolved into a heartfelt and animated discussion between those present. Reb Yossel Padwa concluded the evening by noting the importance of having tremendous hakaras hatov for Bonei Olam whose considerable efforts are performed with little fanfare or public praise and offered a short tefila for Bonei Olam to be able to continue with its avodas hakodesh.